Human Biological Age Reduction
In between 15 and 20 thousand years ago, in our infinite universe there was a giant planet on the surface of which together with human beings dwelled a huge variety of living creatures, including large animals such as dinosaurs, mammoths, as well as fish, dolphins, sharks, whales and many many others. A long time has passed since the birth of this giant planet and for various reasons, one of which might have been the slowdown of its movement velocity, its foundation for biological life began to vanish. With the deceleration of the planet’s movement, its atmosphere began rarefying and vanishing, and with decline of atmospheric pressure, oxygen and hydrogen began actively separating from each other and the water from the surface of the planet, gradually evaporating, flew away into the space. In other words, the giant planet approached its "doomsday". Residents of the planet, who by then during some times have already experienced living in the conditions of artificial microclimates, began to ponder the possibilities of radical ways out of the emerged situation. They were facing two variants choice:
The first choice required that they forever leave their giant planet and permanently live in space-based cities with artificial microclimate, the potential for creating of which they already possessed. Such a solution could have saved the lives of only a limited number of people and some small animals, thus leading to the death of all others left behind on this giant planet.
The second choice consisted in taking along on board of the spaceships one pair of every kind of flora and living creatures either in physical form or in genotype, and to move away from their home planet for a sufficiently large distance. Next, by means of a programmed explosion they would break off small pieces from their giant planet, having forced them to rotate in space at a certain speed with the hope that one or more of the breakaway planets will form an atmosphere resembling that once existed on the mother planet. And then the new planet would become a large common home for all survivors.
Having conferred and exchanged views, the scientists eventually came to the conclusion that they have no other choice but to go the way, implementing the second option. It was quite unrealistic to travel to other cosmic spaces in the search of similar planet where there would already exist conditions for biological life. And even if such opportunity would present itself, it was impossible to know what reaction of the masters of such alien civilization would expect them.
Having distanced far away from their planet, they exploded it by means of a precise calculation, as the result of what were broken away 9 pieces that flew apart in various directions and distances, each with a certain size, primary acceleration, specific velocity and location on its orbit. The purpose of the explosion consisted in creating one or more planets that could, following the end of their primary acceleration, gather around themselves an atmosphere from the interplanetary particles at a pressure close to the value of 748 mmHg. Far out in the atmosphere, such pressure would promote the bonding of oxygen and hydrogen with following formation of water molecules, and as the result, biological life on the newly appeared planet would become possible. This atmosphere in the future would serve planet as a protective layer against objects from open space, various flying comets and stones inevitably arising at explosion.
The only planet out of all the nine pieces, not counting the many, unknown to us, small comets in the space between the major planets that emerged as a result of the explosion, which happened to be suitable for biological life and whose characteristics approached the conditions anticipated at the moment of the explosion was the planet Earth. In the beginning, right after explosion, as a result of proceeding from it amplified primary acceleration and hence, the arisen dense atmosphere, the Earth became covered by ice. As time passed, the Earth’s initial acceleration decreased and the ice began to melt away covering the entire surface of the Earth with water. A gradual decrease in atmospheric pressure that occurred in parallel with the slowdown of the initial acceleration caused part of the planet’s water to evaporate from its surface, uncovering regions of land in the form of islands.
The huge spaceship with gods onboard along with collected flora and fauna representatives, partially in their physical pairs and partially in their genotype form, flew up to each newly formed planet in turns. Each time, upon approaching one of the planets, to verify the possible existence of an atmosphere and conditions for life on them, they released pigeons from the spacecraft board for a test flight. When the pigeons were released on the seventh consecutive turn near the planet Earth, they flew out, having made a few circles in the atmosphere of the Earth, returned back on board of the ship. The gods shouted for joy. They had created a planet on which the biological life became possible.
From the remnants of the exploded parent planet was formed the Sun that shines upon our Earth to this day.
Next, on Earth lands that were first exposed out of water, i.e. in present-day territory of the Middle East, the gods settled the first man, whom they cultivated in advance under conditions of an artificial microclimate according to the characteristics that they approximated for the anticipated conditions on Earth, strictly limiting him from access to any kind of information and technology. They chose him a wife first from their own kind by the name of Lilith, who left him soon after due to harsh environmental conditions of life. Then, through artificial insemination, they created him a new wife of his likeness. This is how the first people – Adam and Eve, who would become the predecessors of the new generations of human beings on the planet Earth, had come to be.
Thus, approximately 15 thousand years ago, appears the planet Earth on the surface of which were settled the first people. They lived in virtually sterile conditions. After the big explosion, the planet remained in complete incandescence and no microorganism, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, and others, could have existed on such surface. With the rotation and movement around itself and in its orbit the red-hot planet has squeezed the incandescent and sterile air to its surface resulting in an atmosphere completely purified of any antigen, including those of biological origin. Consequently, unlike today, the human blood was not subjected to constant attacks from various antigens of chemical, fungal, parasitic, bacterial and viral origin. Protein elements and organic substances that abound in present-day environment of the Earth and exert pathogenic influence on human immune system were completely nonexistent during those times.
Since Earth’s rotation velocity and therefore, its atmospheric pressure were higher at the beginning of planet’s creation than they are today, biochemical reactions in human beings occurred with greater accuracy. Additionally, in terms of genetics and biological purity, the first people who settled the globe, unlike the modern man, were completely originals. One of the most important factors that contributed to the longevity of people living at that time was their exclusive blood that was made up of a homogeneous liquid, devoid of any immunological proteinaceous reactions. Such blood was capable to circulate in cardiovascular system for an unlimited time, with no single vessel occlusion.
As already noted, the first human who settled on the surface of the Earth in an interval between 15–20 thousand years ago was Adam. Prior to that, over the course of many years, he lived in the conditions of so-called Paradise resembling an artificial space in the form of a microclimate as much as possible approximated to the anticipated climate of the Earth. This is where he was isolatedly reared, cultivated and adapted for living in the future terrestrial conditions. Together with his wife Eve, who was also created from his genotype, Adam lived 930 years on the Earth and Eve, 931 years. According to sciences, as well as historical and religious sources, Adam and Eve had 33 sons and 30 daughters, whose age ranged from 912 to 3000 years. Only three of their sons are mentioned in the Bible: Cain, Abel, and Seth. Cain’s descendants are left out because he killed his brother Abel and was banished to the lands of Nod. Yet, we can observe the growth of the family tree from Seth who lived for 912 years himself. His family tree lists only the names of the eldest sons in each successive generation: Enosh (905 years), Kenan (910 years), Mahalalel (895 years), Jared (962 years), Enoch (365 years), Methuselah (969 years), Lamech (777 years), Noah (950 years), Sim (602 years), Arphaxad (438 years), Sala (430 years), Eber (464 years), Peleg (239 years), Reu (239 years), Serug (230 years), Nahor (148 years), Farrah (205 years), Abraham (175 years).
According to the written and oral materials that have been passed on by various nations of the world and survived to our time, many regnant and religious leaders of ancient times lived quite long life.
Many famous and globally recognized scientists, including Pavlov, Sechenov, Knofland, Floger, and others, believed that humans are capable to live from 200 to 1000 years. They came to this belief after studying the lives of numerous famous people, including historical figures, who have actually lived on this Earth for quite long. Unfortunately, none of these scientists succeeded in scientifically explaining the mechanism of longevity or the reason of people’s aging. In addition, and most importantly, they failed to offer real ways and practical methods of increasing life expectancy and reducing human biological age.
For the first time in the history of humanity and medicine, on the basis of the theory of pathocomplex process it is possible now not only to explain the foundation of the aging process, but also offer practical and executable solutions for fixating and reducing human biological age.
The further we move away from the creation of the Earth, the shorter becomes the duration of people’s life on its surface. One of the possible, but yet unproven reasons for the reduction of human lifespan, probably, lies in the fact that, originally, the people lived on the parent planet in conditions that differed from the conditions of the Earth’s atmosphere. Perhaps, our planet’s atmosphere that is caused by its random positioning on its present orbit does not exactly provide for the ideal conditions required for biological life on its surface. Had the Earth’s orbit been a bit closer to Mars and had its speed of rotation been a bit faster, it might have gathered a more massive atmosphere in conditions of which, probably the biochemical reactions in the human organism would be occurred more perfectly. Meanwhile, the microorganisms would have less opportunity for growth and reproduction. Consequently, the process of human life expectancy reduction that began about 2000 years ago would not have worsened so quickly, given that, over such a short period of time, the average age of people has shrunk from 1500 to 55 years today.
Until the second half of the 18th century, infectious diseases, and particularly bacterial epidemics, were considered as the primary humans life-shortening factors. With humanity’s relative victory over these factors, another, a new threat posed by the pathocomplex process confronted the modern people and radically changed the composition of their blood. Infectious diseases of the past centuries gave way to the pathocomplex diseases characterized by an inflammatory process of noninfectious origin. As the result of evolutionary reorganizations of the humans blood composition, occurring after the sharp changes of environmental conditions, emerges a new group of diseases uniting by the name of pathocomplex process, becoming, ever since its onset, the major and decisive factor in determining the life expectancy of people on the Earth.
In terms of biology, the life of a tissue depends solely on its blood circulation and on the number of vessels that supply it with blood. In the cardiovascular system of long-living biological creatures, such as turtles inhabiting in an environment that is no more comfortable than the human’s living conditions, is circulating a homogenous blood with cellular mechanism of immunity where the B-lymphocytes and the proteinaceous immunoglobulins play no significant role at all. A blood possessing such rheological characteristics can constantly circulate from the heart to the vessels and rigorously return back to the heart over the course of many years, thus providing nourishment of the body tissues for nearly 200 years. The blood of the first people to walk on the globe possessed approximately the same properties. On the one hand, the environment of the Earth had no such antigens that are now attacking the modern humanity on a daily basis and on the other hand, pathological immune complexes were absolutely unknown substances for the human body of that time. The blood of these people was continuously carrying out its steady circulation over the course of many centuries. The "blue blood" expression that is common in literary works of many nations around the world is most likely implying an ideal blood that can be distinguished by its eternal ability to maintain homogeneous perpetual circulation, which was largely inherent in the chosen people of those times, especially the kings. Such blood was capable of ensuring optimal blood circulation to the body tissues throughout the centuries.
In terms of biology, both 15 thousand years ago, and today, one year of human life equals to quantity of occluded blood vessels that are excluded from the general system of blood circulation within that year. Left without nourishment, the tissues supplied by these vessels die out. If to assume that people live a maximum of 100 years today and at the moment of puberty the human body has 800 million functioning vessels, since 20 years old age, 10 million of them are becoming clogged up annually. At the moment of individual’s natural death, the last vessels of the body, largely consisting of coronary and cerebral arteries clog up and the remaining areas with living tissues become simply excluded from the circulatory system. This is the same mysterious process of human aging that ends up with the moment of natural death. If 15 thousand years ago, when neither infectious pathologies, nor the pathocomplex process, and the wide range of antigenic factors have existed, only a small fraction of the total number of blood vessels got clogged up and excluded from the circulatory system over the course of entire centuries, in the late 20th and the early 21st centuries, the human body is subjected to complete occlusion of all functioning blood vessels by the age of 80 to 90 that completely stops and ends the blood circulation in the vessels that is essentially, the basis of life.
In the conditions of the modern world, infectious diseases that once ranked as the major life-shortening factors prior to the 18th century are now giving way to the pathocomplex process. Today, the average human life span in developed countries adds up to roughly 60 years, and in the countries of Africa such as Zimbabwe, the life expectancy is as short as 36. This indicator continually shrinks with the progression of the pathocomplex process and quite soon, the current 55 to 60 years of life, will decrease to 40.
If to agree that optimal blood circulation to the tissues is life, reduction of their blood supply is aging and its complete cessation is death, then it is logical to assume that providing a continuous blood circulation throughout the body is eternal life. Since pathocomplexes are primarily responsible for modern human’s vascular occlusion, elimination of the pathocomplex process, first of all, prevents further extensive vascular thrombosis and provides for constant maintenance and continuance of steady blood circulation in the remaining hemocirculation system. Elimination of the pathocomplex process in the organism and thus, termination of vascular occlusion also decelerates the process of aging. By ensuring continually optimal blood circulation to all tissues of the organism, we can grant human eternal life. With disbandment of the pathocomplexes that recently occluded vessels, the blood circulation in them can be restored, thus providing for the opportunity to reduce human biological age by a certain time span.
During our 22 years researches and studies in various fields of medicine, we have reached valuable theoretical achievements that not only explain the causes of the aging process, but also offer real solutions for fixating and reducing the biological age of human beings. Throughout the last 12 years, on the example of thousands patients, we have proved and demonstrated now in practice also that biological age reduction and fixation of the aging process at a certain point in life is absolutely real and feasible. After completing our biological age reduction treatment courses, thousands of people not only recovered from numerous diseases originated from the circulatory disturbances of various organs, but with the elimination of pathocomplex process and rejuvenescence of their cardiovascular system, attained a biological age approximately equal to 10–15 years younger and consequently, reached physiological abilities corresponding to that age.
Over the course of several millennia that sustained human life on the planet Earth, the man has succeeded in reaching most of humanity’s ancient dreams. The man learned to fly, succeeded in getting out to space, and witnessed a huge technological advancement in industry, transport, and communications facilities. However, one of humanity’s brightest dreams – the "eternal life" has still remained unfulfilled till now. Having identified the root causes of the aging process of the modern man, we solved the mystery of "eternal life" and made humanity’s long-cherished dream that has grown into a well forgotten phenomenon of the past, an absolutely feasible reality, and now everyone will be able obtain the opportunity to live to the age of 200 years and more.
Last but not least, to avoid misunderstanding, I would like to add that this new theory of Solar System creation does not contradict the Darwinian view of life’s evolution. Everything described by Darwin concerns development of the biological creatures before occurrence of the Solar System and outside of the Earth.
Finally, since skeptics find it convenient to brand any new scientific discovery as "folk medicine" to refute it without going to further troubles, we want to emphasize that the theory of the pathocomplex process and the treatment method derived from it have no relation to traditional medicine in any of its forms whatsoever and while they are significantly different from the treatment methods adapted in the current medicine, and are implemented solely within the scope of modern medicamentous medicine and all drugs administered are on the pharmacological market for over 40 years and are registered with heath ministries of virtually all countries around the world.
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